Given that goal, you will have to wisely spend your cash on a plethora of things like bribing and spending on investments all in hopes to make your cash-flow more fluid and steady. Swiping is the one thing that you will do most of the time but it can get tiresome so here is a tip and/or trick to make even more and quickly. Call it a cheat or glitch or whatever but it works like a charm for me as the time of this writing.
1. Make sure your bucket is empty and make your capacity as high as you can.
2. Go to your phone's settings and change your date to a day in advance.
3. Set it back to "set automatically" then go back to the game and see your bucket will be full.
4. Empty your bucket then repeat the process until you are satisfied.
Congratulations! You have now learned some sort of Make it Rain cheats that will help you get ahead of your game. Enjoy!