Plants vs zombies cheat codes, secrets are covered here.
You are stack up? And you want to cheat the popular Plants vs Zombies game from PopCap? This is your site, to help you to enjoy the game. Here are some of the working Plants vs Zombies cheat codes and secrets I search and found on the wide web. You can enjoy more playing Plants vs Zombies with these cheat codes and secrets! Hehehe.
You should type these codes while playing Plants vs Zombies game.
1. future: the zombies will have futuristic shades.
2. pinata: when a zombie dies, you will see a shower of candies.
3. tohot : you will get infinite sun.
4. trickedout: alternating lawn mower appearance.
5. Daisies: when zombies die, they will leave small daisies behind.
6. Dance: zombies will dance ala michael jackson.
7. Mustache: you will see zombies have mustaches.
Enjoy the plants vs zombies game with these cheat codes and secrets! Love this game.
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