
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Family Guy Quest for Stuff: How to get clams and warning about using cheats

If you just started playing Family Guy Quest for Stuff game for android and ios devices, chances are you have already noticed that to get things done quickly in this game is to have more clams. In order to rebuild the town of Quahog in Family Guy Quest for Stuff, you will need coins and clams. Coins are quite easy to earn in this game but collecting precious clams are a bit harder to do. So here I will share with you the several ways to do just that.
Family Guy Quest for Stuff Clams cheats.

Ways to pick up clams: Clams can acquired through different methods like connecting your game to your Facebook account, inviting your friends to play it and finishing off premium quests of characters. If you have extra money, I mean real money, you can buy through the in-app purchase feature in the game. You can also help finish off building process in your friends own quahog. Also, completing any quests that have a white present box with a red bow on it will give you clams.

A warning about using cheats in this game: The things stated above are legit ways to earn clams in FGQFS and there's these other methods to do it. Yes, I'm telling you now that there are cheats and tools that you can use that promises to give you clams and coins for free, but I suggest you stay away from those so called Family Guy Quest for Stuff cheats because it will just compromise your devices and you can even get banned from playing the game.

Escape Games Dark Cave Escape Android App Walkthrough

Let me share with a complete written guide for Escape Games Dark Cave Escape which is a game for android by neodots creations. This game is well thought out that its puzzles are almost guaranteed to frustrate anyone who plays. But it's in a fun way and winning this type of games gives the feeling of accomplishing something.

Alright! Let's start with picking up items from all over the readily accessible areas.

First area with the snake in it.
Pick up one of the barrels lying on the ground.

Inside the left cave:
Pick up a ball of yarn, part of a key on top of the hanging light bulb and the chain.

In the right cave where you the drill is:
Pick up stick, rope, net and a piece of rock near the drums.

How to remove the snake.
Use the net on the snake then tap and drag it aside. Open the chest and take the sledge hammer from it.

Open a new area by opening the wooden door with two levers. You can do this by using the rope on the levers.

You just entered a third area in the cave. From now on I will call it the third area. Inside the third area, pick up the following items:
Broken hammer, a pink wheel, another piece of rock, a knife and jar.

Use the bigger hammer from your inventory to smash open the shining rock and take the key from it. Near the shining rock, you will notice a long red wire. Use your knife to get it.

Go to the left area and pour the contents of the jar in the basin beneath the faucet. Tap on the faucet to wash the dirt and you will have golden stuff.
Escape Games Dark Cave Escape Android App Walkthrough

Go to the first area, and put the wheel into the contraption by the tunnel entrance. See image below.

Put the chain on to the mining cart then tap on the wheel to pull the cart. Find the other piece of the key under the cart.

Combine the two pieces of the key to make one and use it on the chest in the third area. Also use the golden stuff on top of the chest to open it. Inside the chest you will find a fuse/switch (I'm not sure).

Combine the two stones to make a fire.
The stick with the ball of strings to make a torch. Light the torch with the fire by joining them together.

Head back to the right area where the drill is. Put the barrel beneath the fuse box then use the torch to burn the cobweb. Open the fuse box using the remaining key in your inventory. Put the yellow fuse/switch into the right slot in the fuse box.

The drilling machine is now ready to go. Press the buttons on the side of the drill to make it work and it will open a new area which I will call the fourth area from now on so pay attention.

Before we proceed to the fourth area, use the broken hammer on the nails on the wooden plank near the drums/barrels. After taking out the nails, pick up the wood plank.

There is one last thing we need before we proceed to the fourth area: the oil can which can only be obtained by solving the difficult sliding rock puzzle. See the picture below to get a better notion of how to arranged the blocks.

In the fourth area, pick up the following items: stick, magnet, weight (metal that looks like a padlock). Tap on the conveyor's control panel and use the red wire from your inventory on it then turn its switch on.

Pick up the lamp from the conveyor. Put the wooden plank on the triangular object and put the weight onto its left side. Use the oil can on the gears and lever. Cut off the hanging stone and let it fall onto the right end of the plank. See picture below to get a better idea.

A new area will open which is the fifth area in this treacherous cave. Inside the fifth area, combine the fire with lamp then use it anywhere in the darkness. The place will light up.

Pick up the wheel beside the large chest. Tap on the hole on the ground. In your inventory, combine the stick, magnet and ball of strings to make a new item which can be used to pick up the wheel inside the hole.

Put the two wheels on the bottom of the cart then tap on it to push it aside. Pick up a red key from the ground and put it in one of the locks.

Solve the pattern puzzle that is holding the other key using the picture below.
Dark Cave Escape game.

Put the remaining key into the lock and open the large chest. Collect the dynamite then head back to the fourth area.

Put the dynamite in to the pile of rocks as shown in the image below, then light it with your torch.

Congratulations! You have now completed our Escape Games Dark Cave Escape walkthrough and with what you've learned here, you can now beat this challenging game.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Can You Escape This House 2 walkthrough

Here is quite an exhaustive written guide of Can You Escape This House 2 for android which will show you step-by-step solution to each and every level of this challenging puzzle game by meeko apps. The game is challenging in its own rights but it could also give ample frustrations if you get stuck on a specific level in it for long enough.
Can You Escape This House 2 Game Walkthrough

So to help reduce the frustrations on the mobile gaming community, I have taken the time to write down a guide, a walkthrough of some sort detailing how I managed to solve all 8 current levels of this game. Without further adieu, read on!

Level 1 Solution:
Inspect kitchen sink area. Tap on the knife set. Take one knife and zoom back out.
Tap on the sink where a wooden box is. Open the box and use the knife to pry open the container inside it. Take the note.
Zoom back out to main view and into the left area of the room. Inspect the table for white bottle of salt and black bottle of pepper.
Both of those bottles contains numbers which make up the final code.
Open the fridge and tap on the bowl and enter these digits as suggested by the hint written on the note: 3939174.
Take the key and use it to open the door.

Level 2 solution:
Go to the left area of the room and into the cabinet then take the bed sheet from it.
Go back to the main view of the bed and put the bed sheet on the bed. Notice the yellow bird printed on the sheet.
Tap around the toppled boxes at the right of the room to get to a set of tea pots.
Tap on the left most part of the teapot tray and make note of the colors red and green printed on one cup.
Go back to the room's main view then into the left area. Tap around the toppled boxes on the right hand side of the television set.
Tap on the panel beside the door and arrange the images on it to make something like in the picture below:

Level 3 solution:
Tap on the chair nearest to the door to get closer to it. Tap it once more to move it away from the drawers.
Open the drawers and get the key from it. Go back to the main view and into the left area and then into the window with blue curtains.
Tap on the right curtain and pick up the knife from it. Zoom back out once.
Inspect the pink pillow on the floor and tap it to turn it around. Use the knife on it and then get another key.
Go to the shelf and use the grey colored key to open it. Inspect the wooden box sitting in it. Tap it to turn it around. Use the other key to open its lock.
Inside the box is the final hint that will make up the code on the door. Go to the door panel and arrange the images on it as shown in the picture below.

Level 4 solution:
Look underneath the bed and pick up an earring lying by the balls.
Tap on the right hand side of the room near the right foot corner of the bed to find the door.
Look under the desk at the right hand side of the door to find a doll. Give the earring from your inventory to the doll.
The doll will produce a key. Use this key to open the drawer on the desk. You find a number 17 printed on a yellow paper.
Go back to the bed view and find the laptop sitting atop a table. Solve the equation being the number 17 as the clue.
The laptop will reveal another clue saying "North of USA". That is the final code that opens the door. CANADA what else?

Level 5 solution:
Tap on the box near the rear tire of the car. Open it and take the key from it.
Go to the other side of the car so that you are facing its left door. Tap on the floor underneath the car and pick up a piece of round metal.
Zoom back out once and then tap on the left tire. Use the round metal object on the middle of the tire's rim.
Go back up and then inspect the windshield of the car. You will find a clue that says "NDAHO".
Zoom back out and go to the tall two-door cabinet. Use the key from your inventory to open its lock.
On the cabinet's electronic panel, enter the letters "HONDA". The screen will display the next clue which says 'sudoku'
Finally, go to the door and arrange the sudoku puzzle as shown in the image below.

Level 6 solution:
Go to the right area of the room so that you can have clear view of the TV set. Tap on the area around the pot and foot of the TV rack.
Pick up the power cable and use on the TV screen and it says 'Pots - Lamps'.
Count all the pots and lamps. Subtract the number of lamps from the number of pots in the room. You will get an answer; 1.

The screen says Plants, Lamps, Books. That is the final hint that will make up the answer to the last puzzle.
Inspect the bottom drawer of the huge wardrobe/cabinet near the door. Arrange the final puzzle as shown in the picture below.
Now that you have the key, use it open the door and proceed to the next room.

Level 7 solution:
Go to the right area of the room and inspect the drawers of the desk. You will find a red item in there.
Zoom back out and go to the green doll underneath the desk then use the red item from your inventory on it.
The doll will produce a number 1. It cannot be picked up, it's a clue.
The next clue is on the door which is a number 3 and the final clue is written on the blue ball which is a number 5.
Combine them together and you get 135 which you must enter into the laptop. Once you do that, the screen will show a riddle.
Just arange the characters on the screen as shown in the picture below.
Level 8 solution:
This is the last level. Inspect the phone of the table. I'm sure you can find it easily. Make note of the icon that says 'iPhoto'.
Go to the right area of the room and then inspect the bottom area of the shelf near the door. You'll find a box in there.
Open the box and get the power cable from it. Use this power cable on the white computer monitor then key in 'iphoto' in it.
The screen will display 3 digit numbers '413'. Now go to the old television then switch it on.
Enter the word 'BROWN' in it because the colors of the barrel in the room are brown. After that, the screen will say x2 which means you have to multiply the 413 by 2.
The answer is 826 which is the final code that will open the door.

Congratulations! You have completed this exhaustive Can You Escape This House 2 walkthrough slash written guide and I hope that it will make sense to you and help you beat the game.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Feed Us Happy cheats

Are you playing the insane fish monster game Feed Us Happy from gamesfree and wondering if it has something extra? Well, it has a special feature which enable you to insert secret codes into a not so secret menu which will give you stuff to, you know, make the gameplay experience a little better.
Feed Us Happy Game cheats.

If you notice, there is a cheat option in the main menu of the game. Click on it then enter one or all of the following codes below.
igotakey - unlock all objectives
lamborgini - fast move
imyourgod - invincible for last 20 seconds
sabertooth - doubled the jaws ability
bloodseeker -doubled every blood
population - more fish appear
sharkattack - less sharks appear
imlikemario - slow move
You may use all of the codes at once except for the ones which affects the speed because they will likely negate each others effect. So choose if you want to make your fish slow or fast. You can't choose both. You will hear a thumping sound when the Feed Us Happy cheats code you entered are correct.

Friday, April 11, 2014

FTL Faster Than Light iPad 2 Cheats and Tricks?

Have you ever played Faster Than Light aka FTL on PC or Mac OSX? It was awesome right? What's new about this popular game title is that it is now available on iPad 2 which includes an Advanced Edition expansion, so you can play it even when you're on the go. But the bad news is it's only compatible with iPad 2 and nothing more. There isn't an Android version of it either at the moment.

FTL cheats for ipad
There has been discussions at some other places on the internet about whether the game would come out soon to Android or not at all. But chances are it is most likely it will because that would mean more players would be reached and that would make its developer happier I think.

Moving on to the question at hand: FTL cheats? Is it possible we get to cheat the game to level up things easier perhaps? Well, there's this one trick that I used to do in order to gain experience for the crew members:
1. Equip an ion cannon.
2. Find an enemy spaceship that cannot destroy your shields fully.
3. Set the ion cannon on auto-fire at the enemy ship.

The idea is to keep your ship exchange fire with the enemy ship without doing damage until you have max level crew on everything. It's not the type of FTL Faster Than Light ipad 2 cheat/trick that can be done on an instant but that's by far one that works.

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff arrives on Android!

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff is the newest simulation game for android and ios brought to us by tinyco. The game is obviously coming from the popular TV show but with this app you are not only watching them, you are controlling them. The game is set after another epic battle with the giant chicken where Peter Griffin, the main character, has accidentally destroyed Quahog.

Family Guy The Quest for Stuff_screenshot
While this game is free to play, it has in app purchases that may or may not tempt you to buy it, depending on what level you are a fan of FG. There are exclusive content that are only available for player on iPhone, ipod touch and ipad devices, like becoming filthy rich! This mobile game was just newly released on both Google Play and iTunes so if you are fan of the show, we highly recommend you have Family Guy The Quest for Stuff game on your mobile.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Can You Escape Tower Level 17 walkthrough cheats

Can You Escape Tower level 17 step-by-step solution is laid out below detailing how exactly to beat the said level in this challenging puzzle game for android. The key to solving such game as this is to identify objects and picked up items. If you can identify each item and objects you can better think of ways how you will use it to solve each puzzle. This game, from my point of view, is by far one of the most challenging out there in its genre.
can you escape tower 17 walkthrough

Without further adieu, here is CYET level 17 written guide to use as a sort of cheat:
Beside the broken mirror at your left you will notice stick lying on the floor. Take it.
On the right side of the room, you will see a small passage way. Tap on it so you get to the other side of the wall.
Pick up the pick's head lying at the floor to the right.
Inspect the mining cart and pick up the dagger from inside it.
Go back to the first room and head to the water system beneath the wooden wheel. Combine the stick and the pick's head to make a working pickaxe.
Use the pickaxe on the rubble of stones blocking the flow of water.  Zoom back out then go to well by the post.
Use the dagger on the rope that holds the bucket.
Head back to the second room and inspect the barrel at the corner of the room.
Use the bucket to get it filled with water. Head back to the first room and use the bucket filled with water on the broken mirror. It will shine light to the corner of the room where wooden sticks are hidden. Get them and head back to the second room.
Use the wooden sticks on the thing at the right corner of the room. The door steel bars will be drawn up but there's still wooden planks blocking the way.
Inspect the mining cart and pull its lever to send it crashing into the wooden planks. You are now free to exit.

Congratulations! You have completed the Can You Escape Tower Level 17 walkthrough which we hope can help you in making progress with your game.

Can You Escape Tower Level 16 Walkthrough

Can You Escape Tower level 16 is written below this line and it reveals the step by step solution in order to beat said level of the game. Please only refer to this guide if you are truly stuck in the game and have already given up all hopes.

CYET written guide for sixteenth level.
Pick up the spear on the floor.
Pull the broken sword shoved into the wall.
Examine the pile of rubble beneath the wall and pick up a piece of wire.
Go to the door and take the earring of the orc's face.
Zoom back out and go to the stream of water at the right side of the room.
Use the broken sword on the tied rope to get it then combine the rope and spear then the earing then the piece of wire to create a makeshift fishing rod and line.
Use the makeshift fishing rod on the fish to get it.
Zoom back out and go to the wall where you can see closely the foot of a beast poking out of a hole on the wall.
Give the fish to it's paws and wait till gives out the key. Take the key.
Now go to the circular vault at the center of the floor and arrange its blocks as shown in the picture below.
Can You Escape Tower Level 16 walkthrough
Tap on the box and use the key from your inventory to open it. Take the silver cup from it. Fill it with water from the stream and finally, pour its content into the mouth of the orc face mounted on the door.

Congratulations! You have now completed Can You Escape Tower Level 16 walkthrough.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

2048 Game Cheats walkthrough

Are you playing 2048 game on your android phone and you are having a hard time beating it? Would you like to know the tips and tricks on how to beat this challenging tile sliding math puzzle game? Well you landed in the right page because I will share with you the strategy that works well in achieving completion in this game. But first, I must tell you some things that you must avoid doing and that is swiping blindly. Never do that for it will take you nowhere near your goal.

Now let me tell you that there are 4 rules that you have to follow in order to succeed in this game.

-The only directions that you are going to swipe to is to the right and/or down.
-Never swipe left.
-Never swipe upwards unless you can't move right or down.
-Always keep the fourth (to the right) column filled in with its bottom tile having the largest number and the top the lowest. Always build it that way.

2048 game cheats walkthrough.
This game is hard even if you implement this guide but that's the how it is. One wrong move will mean game over but it is easier if you use this technique because your choice of moves are narrowed down to right and down. The trick is to plan ahead and keep your fourth column sorted out from largest to lowest (bottom to top) at all times. If you don't use this 2048 game cheats walkthrough it is more difficult and you'll end starting off again from the start without getting to the thousands.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Blind Swordsman walkthrough

The Blind Swordsman is a melee combat action adventure game from evildog productions. In this game, you don't have the sense of sight because you are effing blind. But don't feel bad about it and just look at it this way: at least you don't have to worry about seeing poorly animated characters and special effects. Seriously, this game is all about being a blind fighter who only relies on hearing. It may not have the best graphics but the sounds are very well rendered enough to rely on. You don't have to look at your screen, just listen where the sounds of attacking foes are coming from and block or attack them but time it perfectly.

I must admit, I have not beaten this game after many tries. I just got past some levels but cannot beat the final boss. Anyways, I have gathered all available tips and how to's that I can find for this game.

1. Young Knight: Block his attack then counterattack.
2. Flail knight: Block two of his attacks then give him a slash.
The Blind Swordsman walkthrough.3. Rouge woman: Turn left and block when she gets near then attack.
4. Wolves: Listen to their footsteps. Before they attack they will pause for a moment, growling. That is the time you attack. Repeat until all four of them are down.
5. Archers: They will always attack from 90 degrees left or right. Listen to the bow as it bends and turn your face toward it then block at the right time. After they've fired 8 shots, they will gang up on you. Use the block and counter method you use on the first level until all four of them are dead.

Level 6 and onwards: From here on, it will be a mixed of enemies with the same attack paterns as the first 5 levels. There are going to be archers but you may block their arrows and attack them straight up. Always keep in mind that you must block the flail knight's attack twice before countering.

That's it for now and I will try to update you with The Blind Swrodsman walkthrough if and only if I beat the white knight but if you have something to share please do so in the comments.